Monday, February 2, 2009

Basics of Busy-ness

Tanner is walking---or at least going four or five steps at a time. That in and of itself is enough right there. But this has also given him the confidence to play in toilets, eat the dirt out of our plants, empty drawers comepletely, dump any trash, throw the girls' toys, and not sleep. I thought he was supposed to wear himself out and nap more.? Not him. Little bugger is going strong.

Annika has been sick. Poor peanut. We know something is wrong when she doesn't eat a bowl of cereal, a granola bar, an apple, some yogurt, topped off with candy before 10.

Phoebe is very prepared for Valentine's Day. She has been making all sorts of projects. She's been partying with friends quite a bit as well.

Same for me. I spent Saturday downtown with a couple GMAC wives/friends doing the gallery/shopping/dining thing. We managed to stay quite warm and had a great time.

Jeff continues to rock out...he bought his own Guitar Hero. He is getting quite good. He should be for as much as he is practicing. :)


CyMule said...

From what I have heard and experienced in my own life, boys have much more energy (although usually unfocused) than girls do. Good luck! I am excited to finally have a nephew that I can wrestle with

Amanda said...

Hey, Jeff and I have something in common. I spend way too much time with Guitar Hero too. Only mine is Rock Band now. In fact, I think I am going to play right now...

M. Nelson said...

My daughter is just like Annika--always hungry. I fear the teenage years. I hope she's feeling better.

Julie said...

Walking?!? Holy Toledo, Batman! Snap a picture when you can... I can only imagine the big-time proud look on his face.