Monday, January 21, 2013

Just a Few More

I had a wonderful birthday!  It was filled with so many stories of little things people did all over.  And each and every one warmed my heart like you have no idea.  It was like getting news notifications, but each one was GOOD!  It was amazing.  And I love that so many of you got your kids in on the act too.  I know Tanner keeps asking when he can do more RAOKs.  :)
So THANK YOU!  You helped make it one of my best ever days.

I:  started posting my artwork from journal with inspirational quotes on facebook and will do for awhile
We have planned:  bought a bag of non-perishable healthy food and a hat and gloves--we will give to the next homeless person we see at the bridge, are going to give out bottles of water at Challenge Fitness, are going to tape popcorn packages to the Redbox--might wait for Friday
And you:
Melissa:  fed a stranger's expired parking meter in Detroit
Julie and kids:  took a pot of flowers to the library in Fairview Park (I loved that place!)
Julie and Ayden:  took Nana coffee and donated some clothing
Jamie and kids:  donated coats, gloves and hats to a charity that distributes them to needy families in Ames
Kerri and kids:  bought Dunkin Donuts gift cards--some for the police officers who help at our school and one left on a random car at the hospital for someone to get a treat on either a hard or joyful day, and pumped someone's gas
Brenda:  sent out greeting cards (my art--pretty fun) to people just for fun
Cliff, Naomi,and boys:  picked up trash at a rest stop, paid for carts at Aldi, left a special tip for a hotel housekeeper, bought a balloon for a kid, bought custard for someone at Culvers, taped a dollar bill to a box of Teddy Grahams at Target, paid another person's overdue fine at the library
Craig:  picked up some samples a customer left behind at a store and returned a lost glove to the front desk and is traveling to Iowa to take care of a family issue that he could choose to ignore

And Jeff says his weren't random, but calculated, LOL:  he did ALL the laundry and dishes while I was at my parents so I came home to a CLEAN house!!!  This is HUGE people!  And rarely done because of his schedule, and there was a lot, so I was ecstatic with that surprise.  And he bought me a big bouquet of colorful daisies to brighten the kitchen.  He is such a good husband.  I couldn't have asked for better.

And you are all wonderful friends and family.  I could not ask for better.  Thank you for blessing me.  Thank you for helping me remember how GOOD service feels.  For helping me see the joy in other's faces and heart.
Love you all!  Hugs!

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Few More

For my continuing project, which the kids and I continue to have fun doing.
On Wednesday:
1.  Let a man cut in front of us at McDonald's to refill his coffee.
2.  Opened a door for someone.
3.  Took my kids to play at McDonald's just for fun.
4.  The kids tried passing out candy again at Menards, but it was not very successful.

That was it for that day I got cranky, and then cranky continued into Thursday, so none that day either.

For Friday we decided to brighten the day of anyone who is usually nice to us on errands and told them how much we appreciate their smiles and good service, so we:
1.  Took two bottles of lotion to our post office for their super dried out hands from all the paper.  They are super cranky, but I am hoping this will butter them up.  And I realized the public they deal with and took pity on them.--It worked!  They both SMILED and one even said, "Sweet!"  Amazing.
2.  Took flowers to the receptionist at our dentist.
3.  Took them to the drive thru people at our bank--it was actually one woman's birthday.
4.  Some for the ladies at the library.
5.  One for the woman at the drycleaners.
6.  And one for the teachers at our old school (used to be errand/regular spot).  They are great teachers in a horrible system.  They deserve pats on the back.

The reactions surprised us every time.  Almost all of them had tears.  Huge smiles.  It was so worth it.

I have had two family responses:
1.  She is going to help make blankets for babies.
2.  They made a donation to World Vision for young Thai girls.

Sooo cool.  Thank you!  I understand all the tears--my eyes fill each time I receive from each of the RAOK above.  My heart is overflowing with joy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Starting Another Year

No pictures this post.  But a few updates.  I am not good at holiday pictures, so really, there aren't any.  But we had a really nice holiday.  Got to see a lot of great family and friends and really enjoy time with them.

Actually this post, and the next few, will chronicle my birthday project.  I am not a birthday/holiday person.  I throw a decent party for my kids because it is expected and I love them like crazy.  Enough to make myself crazy for the one day.  But this year I found on Pinterest a woman who did random acts of kindness instead of getting gifts or celebrating for herself.  That resonated with me.  I also just finished two books One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and Winter Garden  by Kristin Hannah.  The first helped remind me (always can use this reminder no matter what) that  grace = thanksgiving = joy and that service to Christ is at the heart of all three.  The second helped remind me that we never know another person's whole story, what drives their emotions, but that love and people are the most important gifts on earth we have.  This project seemed a perfect way to practice what I have been reading and learning, share some of God's love and blessings with others, and a way to let my kids celebrate my birthday in a great way.

I immediately had some ideas.  My birthday will fall on MLK day this year, so I decided to stretch the project out and we started today (some of the places I want to go might be closed that day).The kids helped me.  They loved it. Annika said it made her feel warm and toasty.  Tanner was right in on it, he loved helping.  Phoebe is helping me come up with ideas and she loves to watch the responses.  So can I count this as homeschooling on the log???  :)  We aren't doing huge things, just little moments that will brighten another person's day.

I decided to chronicle the project because of the original blog post I read.  It gave me ideas, but more importantly it was itself a random act of kindness to me.  It warmed my heart.  I felt love reading about her RAOK.  And I want to pay it forward, I want to share that love, and I want to remember this feeling.

Today we:
1.  Bought a bag of peppermints and butterscotches and then handed them out to all of the people who work and were shopping at Walmart.
2.  Bought a gift card and then found a young mother in the diaper aisle and gave it to her and congratulated her on her new baby.  She had both of us shedding happy tears.
3.  At the dollar store we bought a truck balloon for a little boy.  I don't know who smiled more, the boy, his mom, or my family.
4.  At Aldi we returned something that was bad when we opened it.  With their double guarantee we got a new item and then asked the cashier to use the money for the next person who came in line.

I will be back with some of the other things we are doing this week.  If you would like to join, please do.  Especially instead of sending me birthday wishes send me a text, email or comment here what YOU did to pay it forward and spread Christ's blessings.
Love to all of you who read this and share our life,