Saturday, May 14, 2011

Normalcy Ensues

It's been a fairly regular week in our household, considering it is filled with 5 people who tend to be a touch crazy, a mommy who allows the craziness, and the usual trouble.
The week started out fairly well. We had a lovely trip to Iowa last weekend and got to see lots of our immediate families. The drives went well.
On Tuesday I got the girls to school okay. But then somehow between when I put my keys and purse (with cell phone) on the front seat and buckled Tanner in to his carseat, the doors to the van locked. I'm not sure if he did it or I did. Neither here nor there, the fact remained it was 80 degrees out (although the windows were cracked), he was snugly in his seat, and we were alone on the street. We tried in vain for 20 minutes to have him figure out how to get out of it. I finally flagged down a car who drove down the street to get the fire department. This is where Tanner went from being scared to being ecstatic. Luckily those windows were cracked enough they could get a pole in to reach across and unlock the doors. This is when Tanner was even more excited but Mommy broke down in sheer relief. Just ask T, he will tell you ALLLLL about it.

On Wednesday Phoebe came home sick from school. On Thursday she stayed home and had to miss her field trip to the zoo. Except she said she wasn't really sad since Mommy takes her all the time anyway and then she can take her time. :) LOVE her! Mommy validation alert!!!
It was beautiful out though and we did not want to stay in, so we we spent most of the afternoon in the backyard.
Phoebe had some quiet time reading, writing in her books, and she made these lovely paintings.

Annika and Tanner started this hole. I thought they were digging to China. But as they chanted, "Don't give up!" I was informed that Annika is making a tunnel to her best friends house. Too cute. I love that a little girl who could give any of Phoebe's classmates a run at math or reading, still believes she will be able to tunnel across town.

We also disc0vered that nest in the treehouse was not abandoned. The mama robin is super mad at us for being outside, but she is still caring for the chicks. The kids love listening for the peeps. I hold them up to see, but only once a day or so.

Thursday night I worked on setting up an Etsy store. Definitely more complicated than posting stuff on craigslist! I got a bit frustrated and threw a bit of a temper tantrum. I need to rework some of it, and I am finally figuring out how to get my images compatible. But hopefully Goal #1 of Nicole's Card Business will be up by next week.

Friday we took Phoebe to the doctor. Turns out it was not just a virus, but bad strep. Bad Mommy. But then to make up for it I let her have fancy V8 Fusion juice and jello.

This week the official moving season began. Jeff worked 10-12 hour days most of the week, and is gone today (Saturday) for the entire day. Sunday he wants to try and move into his new space he rented for storage. He found a second truck he wants to buy and will be moving forward on that soon as well.

At 6:30 that night I went to the school district art show to help. At 8:30 I went home and snuck Phoebe and Annika in even though it was over. I figured she would infect the least amount of people then, but they had to go. This is why:

Her cityscape won first place! Yay for Phoebe!!!!!

Annika's super ice cream sundae won honorable mention! Yay for Annika!!!!!

(They gave 1st's and then 2 or 3 honorable mentions for each grade and every student in the grade had 1 artwork entered--so 80 per grade.)

A very excited, proud family night! Mommy is nearly bursting. :) But I am also tired! We need to take naps this weekend!