Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Museum of Science and Industry

We took advantage of the free day at the museum.  I had planned our unit of the human body knowing that we would go see this exhibit.  We also have Flat William visiting from Iowa, so this was an excellent opportunity to do something exciting with him.  
 The kids all tried the giant hamster wheel to see their heart rates.
 The girls loved all of the body exhibits, Tanner was a little freaked out, so we didn't get to spend nearly as much time as I would have liked.  But I think it made a big enough impact that as we continue our unit, the girls will remember and be able to connect the two.  All of the parts are from real humans.  This is an entire body spread out.
 Then we continued around the balcony to see the airplanes.  We went in the United to see the interior.  The walls and floor were gone in spots to see how the inside works.  They also had real working engines, and we could see into the cockpit.
 The storms and electricity exhibit was an attention grabber.  Will definitely have to revisit this!
 And since I got into the main museum free, I paid to go down in the coal mine.  They all loved this, but Tanner especially.  Made up for being scared by the bodies!
 They turned on all of the machines a real mine would use.  Lots of pictures didn't turn out, due to the low lighting.  They really do have it set up like a real mine.
 The best part is days later they will all randomly tell me a fact of something they learned that day.  They are still processing and learning.  Love that.  That is why we are homeschooling.
 Outside of the museum.
 The cityline.
One last picture with flat William overlooking Lake Michigan.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Look at those wonderful kiddos! Too fun!! Wanted to thank you for highlighting "Flat William". I have thought about doing something like this with the residents but then have forgotten all about it. I read this post at work on the day I do a group that this project would work perfectly. I was able to do all my research and "Flat Gramps and Grammie" will be on their way traveling the world soon. The residents were really into it. So thanks!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!