Thursday, October 7, 2010

Confession Time

I NEVER in a million years thought I would confess this. My mom and dad will never believe it. I used to GROAN loudly when I had to do this chore. I judicously traded with Jeff to avoid this chore. I have purchased houses based on their ability to do this chore. And yet, here I am.

I like hand washing my dishes.

There it is out. It has been a month since I decided my dishwasher was only worthy of being a dryer rack, except for extreme moments when if I pre scrub enough I can break down and use it. But otherwise my dishes are cleaner. I enjoy that quiet, methodical time. It is calming somehow. And I enjoy that the girls sit at the table to do their homework while I wash and rinse chatting with me about their day. Or they all leave me alone in the somewhat silent kitchen to listen to the clinks of plates and silverware.

A good way to end the day.

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