Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feeling Artsty Is Easy

It's pretty easy to be inspired lately. I want to do nothing else but create...paint, scrapbook, sew. Anything. And a major part of that is my new room!!!! The pics are below. Jeff did an AMAZING job building the desk and shelves. The girls adore it too. We are in there constantly.

These are 3 little paintings I did for my nephew Joseph in watercolor. Pretty pleased. Anyone know anyone else interested in watercolor artwork like this, especially for children?

OOOOOoooooo. Shelves, Ikea boxes, countertop (that cleans easy), filing cabinets, photos of family and friends, books. Love it love it love it.

This is the opposite wall where my scrapbooking lives.

And this is my accent/gallery wall.

Monday, February 16, 2009

true story explains all

As usual my children are ignoring their toys.

Phoebe and Annika found my hammer that has four different screw drivers hidden inside (they screw apart like those Russian dolls). They are on the floor playing this evening and we over hear this...
P: Where are the twins, dear? (Being the hammer "mommy".)
A: You can't play like that. You gotta be a screwdriver to be in this family!

Ahh yes. Those are our kids. I don't know, I laughed pretty hard. Maybe I'm just slap happy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random lists

So I did mine on facebook. I decided to do a short list for each of my little blessings.

1. She loves any kind of bean. Limas are her favorite. Maybe even her favorite food.
2. She is a night person big time and will eat 90% of her calories for the day after 5 pm.
3. She giggles a lot and has a tendency to wet her pants.
4. #3 is probably because she only goes to the bathroom 2 times a day. I have to remind her in the morning or she will wait until lunchtime.
5. I believe her favorite animal is the crocodile. We used to have hundreds of pretend crocodiles in the van that we had to throw out the window at stop signs.
6. She is a backseat driver.
7. She picks up the lyrics to songs very quickly and sings constantly.
8. She would let me do everything for her. Everything.
9. She hates to leave the house.

1. Eats an apple every day. She would eat more if I would let her. Same with candy.
2. She is definitely a morning person and eats nonstop all morning, but never finishes dinner.
3. She is a fairly deep thinker (for 4) and asks amazing questions.
4. She prefers to be dressed "rainbow"--the more colors she has on the happier she is.
5. Her favorite animal is the polar bear--this obsession has been strong for 2 years now.
6. She could care less where we are going, as long as she is going.
7. She LOVES to help with anything I will let her.
8. She has no fear of anything physical and is a total daredevil. But she hates the dark.
9. Her goal in life is to do everything first, especially ahead of Phebes.

Tan the Man
1. Likes wooden spoons, toothbrushes, and pots and pans. Forget the toys.
2. Likes to rip paper.
3. Prefers meat and potatoes.
4. Will hum and hit me until I sing to him.
5. Is insanely inquisitive.
6. Grins right before he does something he knows he shouldn't.
7. Loves water and will do anything to get to it.
8. Hates his carseat and driving anywhere. But actually seems to enjoy shopping.
9. Loves pillows. He lays on them on the floor, has one in his bed, and is always trying to get to one.

Monday, February 9, 2009

da earth

Peanut asked me this morning, "Is da earf losing it's color?" Sure looks like it right now. This time of year is so hard. We had a nice warm weekend that melted off all the snow. It was lovely outside and we went for walks and tried to enjoy it. But today the cold is coming back. It is ALL gray outside. Everything. But I have hope for spring.

The girls are very interested in the whole concept of earth lately. That it is big, round, blue and green, floating in the sky, all kinds of things. Pretty interesting stuff when it is through the eyes and mind of a child.

Peanut had a good weekend--it was her turn to spend the night ALONE at Grandma and Papa's house and go out for lunch at a fancy restaurant. OOOOO. She had a blast. She woke up (dressed the night before) bright and early Saturday and sat with her coat on at the door waiting for me. She didn't miss us at all according to her. Although our house was incedibly quiet without her constant stream of chatter. The big discussion of the weekend seemed to be who would win a fight, a polar bear or a crocodile?

Before we left her we all (mom, kids, and grandparents) went swimming at the amazing Elgin zero depth pool. We had so much fun and needed that warm water and chlorine.

Sparkle also enjoyed her night with no Peanut, although she did miss her. We watched Wall-E and had her favorite--air popped popcorn with lots of butter. She went to a pirate birthday party yesterday and came home quite excited. Kids really do love just the simple home parties.

Tank. He knows how to screw the lid off detergent bottles. And then half of it spilled on the carpet. I guess the house smells really good. He is walking more and more and more. And starting to climb. He also discovered his belly and loves to rub it.

Jeff was busy building for me this weekend. He is such an awesome husband. He built this cool desk with a huge countertop and put in some shelves for me. I love shelves. I am going to paint and hang pictures this week and then I will post pictures of my super fabulous art office. I am beyond excited. Jeff is so funny. The man has to build everything as sturdy as he can. Not that that is bad. It's more how he delights in it. He doesn't want to admit it, but he had a lot of fun playing with his tools. And he got the new tool that is required for every project. I don't complain if it means I get stuff built. But it's fun to tease him about what new tool is he going to "need."

Monday, February 2, 2009

Basics of Busy-ness

Tanner is walking---or at least going four or five steps at a time. That in and of itself is enough right there. But this has also given him the confidence to play in toilets, eat the dirt out of our plants, empty drawers comepletely, dump any trash, throw the girls' toys, and not sleep. I thought he was supposed to wear himself out and nap more.? Not him. Little bugger is going strong.

Annika has been sick. Poor peanut. We know something is wrong when she doesn't eat a bowl of cereal, a granola bar, an apple, some yogurt, topped off with candy before 10.

Phoebe is very prepared for Valentine's Day. She has been making all sorts of projects. She's been partying with friends quite a bit as well.

Same for me. I spent Saturday downtown with a couple GMAC wives/friends doing the gallery/shopping/dining thing. We managed to stay quite warm and had a great time.

Jeff continues to rock out...he bought his own Guitar Hero. He is getting quite good. He should be for as much as he is practicing. :)