It has been nice and hot...perfect for playing outside a ton. The girls have had a blast playing with the Crom Kids, and especially in the water. They figured out how to turn on the hose themselves. While I switched out a load of laundry they got it turned on and proceeded to spray the house and Stan the Tan Minivan. Peanut was also shooting it into the sky and yelling, "I gotcha!" When questioned, she admitted she was trying to squirt God.
Mr. Wigglebuns is officially rolling over, constantly. No more just laying him down wherever. Especially if there is something close by he wants to chew on. But he will always settle for his fingers. Anytime he is awake. I gave him a long spear of cantaloupe the other day (to keep him happy so I could make lunch) and he slobbered all over with it and loved it.
Sparkle Princess got these fab press-on Ariel nails in the mail from Granny. She wore them as long as she could, but left a strange trail of plastic nails all over the house. You never know when you are going to find one.
I went with a Crom Mom to see the Sex in the City movie last night. Loved it. We laughed and cried and had a blast. The Croms are planning an event in July and I now want to dress up for it. I haven't worn a fancy dress or jewelry forever--but if Mr. W isn't along I don't have to worry about stains or things being ripped from my ears or neck. Maybe something would fit from pre-prego state? Definitely not as current or couture as SITC, but good for my little world.
Off househunting in the windy city this weekend. Wish us luck. Nothing is going to compare to current accomodations. Bah.