Monday, October 1, 2012

Not a Creature Was Stirring

It is crazy I tell you.  By 9 o'clock tonight ALL 3 children were in bed and asleep.  I know in many households that is normal.  But in ours, this is truly a miracle.  Jeff and I fully admit to flunking sleep training.  Phoebe and Tanner are night owls.  Annika and Tanner MUST have someone in the room or they are scared.  Tanner walks and talks in his sleep.   A lot.  (Which is quite funny, except he usually walks to our bed.)
But Phoebe, for tonight at least, solved all of our problems.  I am fervently praying that we can repeat this night, many many many times. 
You see, Phebes decided it is time she has her own room.  Especially with homeschooling, she is craving more alone time and privacy and quiet.  And she is getting to that age.
My solution was a "lets try this before we move furniture" type.  So Tanner is sleeping in Phoebe's old bed and Phoebe in Tanner's room.  This way she is alone, but Tanner and Annika have someone to share with.  And it worked.  For tonight.
But this is also bittersweet.  This is a big move for Phoebe, a sign of her maturing.  Just this summer she had no interest in not sharing a room.  This is a big move for Annika, who feels betrayed and left behind.  She was so upset.  As my heart swelled for my oldest, it broke for my middle child.  Although she did perk up when I said she could put up more sports posters if Phoebe moves out.  Tanner was ecstatic.  He has always felt left out not sharing.  My heart was just happy he may not be sleeping with ME!
I will keep you posted on this development.  Maybe they will move back.  Maybe we will be doing a little redecorating.  Who knows.  A mom can hope.

1 comment:

Milana said... feels like a foreign word doesn't it! Right when you think that you have some sort of schedule down, something changes! I hope that it all works out! Trey was talking about Annika the other day! He had so much fun with her! And Livia...well if only we lived next door to each other, I think that Livia and Phobe could keep each other company all the time! I miss you and can't wait until we get to see each other again! I love saying that now though because I know that it won't be six years again...maybe like six months!!!