Sunday, January 15, 2012


We went with our good friends the Kristoffs. There is Tanner in his red coat and camo hat, Annika has a black coat and teal Perry the Platypus hat, and Phoebe is in a hot pink and lime green coat with black snow pants. I got a few good shots, but my battery froze up pretty quickly in that cold. Although it was super sunny so it felt good to us!

Love love love this closeup I caught of their giddiness going down right past me.

We realized once we got to the hill that Tanner is ready for his own sled. That little dude has no fear and was a trooper going up and down the hill. We already knew that the girls love sledding and we would be out there for awhile. They have been out for at least an hour a day since the white stuff finally fell. If they are that happy to be out, then bring it on. I could deal with several more inches!

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