Monday, April 25, 2011


I took lots more pictures in the past week than I have in ages. And each set showed LOTSA stuff. ;) Lotsa mess, not so much nest for this mourning dove. Gotta give it credit for not giving up three mornings in a row though!
Can you see the piles just outside the front door?

Lotsa car washes, repairs, and charges happened last Wednesday for three hours straight. Every truck in the house is in perfect condition now.

Lotsa frosting, jelly beans, and cupcakes made with a kit from Granny = lotsa happy messes.

***Notice the new giant plant with lotsa leaves Jeff got free on a job!

Lotsa egg dying at Grandma's house. We did 48 eggs I think. Lotsa colors. Lotsa happy.

Lotsa bad hair Easter morning for Tanner.

Lotsa peach rings and other gummy candy for my non chocolate eaters. Each kid got their own sesame stick bags, which we had to label because they won't share.

Each one got lotsa paper...a whole ream for each. They LOVED it!

And a box of lotsa cheez-its for each.

And more fun looking for eggs.

Lotsa muscles.

Lotsa swinging.

I will be back with lots more soon I am sure. It is that time of year!

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