Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 Telling Moments

Tanner's Moment, but more Mine: At lunch today he says to the other boys, "Me had it! Had it! Had it! You push my buttons too much! Keep pushing and pushing 'til me had it!" hmmm. Wonder where he heard that?

Phoebe's Moment: It is crazy socks day for school. We pick her outfit and leave her to make the big decision on socks. She comes to me and says, "Look, (the socks are both white) one has a light pink toe and one has a light blue toe." I ask her, "Don't you want to go crazier? Maybe a Hello Kitty sock that is red and one that is sparkly green Halloween?" She looks at me in HORROR. "Mom, that would just be too crazy. This is silly enough." Going out on a limb there Phebes.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Just a few quick thoughts on friends. All of our moves have brought lots of different people and kinds of friends into my life. So here's my thinking today and my giving thanks for:
How easy to see ones every day and chat quickly at carpools and kid activities, etc.
How good it is to sit and have coffee with ones that I can see weekly.
How nice to get phone calls and chat with ones even if it is only monthly.
How I love blogs and facebook to keep up with friends far away that otherwise it gets hard to keep up with.
How unexpected and fun to see friends that we may see every few years, if that.

I love talking with friends. So thanks to all of you who like talking to me too!