Saturday, July 10, 2010

rock, paper, ?

The girls have devised their own additions to the game. Annika does rock paper dynamite (and puts out her middle finger and then blows it up) or smoke bomb (a fist that "fizzles and smokes"). Phoebe, not to be outdone by her sister, does rock paper chainsaw (holding her forearm and wiggling the loose fingers).

Annika filled an empty apple juice bottle with water and I let her dump in rice to make a "snowglobe." We forgot about it. And then we opened it several days ago to discover it was fermenting, just like Daddy's wine. So she wanted to let it go a little further. Tonight she reopened what Phoebe immediately dubbed "the fart bomb." As the lid came off it literally made a blasting noise, a slight fog escaped, along with a horrendous smell. It is now in the trash, experiment over, girls happily giggling, lessons learned.

1 comment:

Milana said...

I am all by myslef at 9:30 at night laughing my guts out! I can see Phoebe saying that and you guys all laughing about it! It is probably a good thing that we aren't neighbors anymore...I have a feeling Aurianna and Phoebe would have been up to a whole lot of "stuff" that would have been making us pull our hair out (or laughing hysterically!). No, I still wish we were neighbors...we would have made it through! Thanks for being such an awesome mom and reminding me what I need to be more like!!! Miss ya!