Tuesday, January 20, 2009


All of the following situations have either good or bad (sometimes both) SNAP connotations.
***Sorry about the layout. I remember now why I just stick to centered photos.

1. We lost the cell phone. But found it. Jeff put it in a bag with Girl Scout cookies. I attempted to hide all of the cookies from myself, and therefore also hid the phone. You decide who is actually at fault. I say Jeff because he has two strikes against him. He brought the cookies home in the first place, and then he left the phone in the bag.

2. Phoebe got her certificate for good citizenship. SNAP!

3. The girls conducted a photo shoot of their own. SNAP!

4. Tanner learned to climb the stairs, and then slides down on his belly like a penguin.SNAP!

5. So that he can get to one of his new obsessions...the phone. He holds it behind his head to talk. SNAP!

6. We got the playroom all cleaned up. So Phoebe spilled out all of her Pretty Ponies for a beauty retreat. SNAP!

7. Annika learned how to snap first. Phoebe is close. SNAP!

8. I was called on for my true calling...brushing the Ponies' hair. I am told this is how I play best. SNAP!

9. Tomorrow I turn 34. I am actually totally okay with it. I decided this is definitely one of the best sections of my life thus far. Good times. SNAP!
10. I worked a TON the past week, so now I am not working most of this week or the next. SNAP!
11. Jeff and Phoebe had five days in a row of vacation (with the weekend). They played lots and lots of Wii. SNAP!
12. Jeff sold me Stan the D*** Tan Minivan so I could make it legal with Illinois plates and we wouldn't have to pay tax or past registrations. Now that sucker is all MINE! SNAP! And it is legal. Double SNAP!
13. Jeff put up lots of shelves and hooks this weekend for me, so I am starting to get organized. SNAP!
14. Jeff purchased an elliptical machine off Ebay for $250. The seller buys the stuff in storage units that people abandon and then turns it over super cheap. SNAP!
There you go. That was a lot of snapping. My fingers are sore.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We never rest

I got home from work tonight at 10. Everyone was awake, which is the usual. Does anyone sleep in this family???? I know I wish I did. Sparkle Princess headed up the sugar cookie decorating last Friday. She'll never pass up a good sparkly sugar. She loves all of the snow we have been getting and is hoping for no school tomorrow. She left one spot in the yard with no snow angel and she really wants to cover it.

Tank has been busy. He shoved a wiffle ball down our drain in the laundry room. So of course everything backed up. He figured out how to open the pressure gate so he can go down the stairs. And of course, true to his bottomfeeder nature, is eating as much off the floor as he can. I can't sweep unless he is in his high chair or napping because he comes to check out the pile for a little snack. YUCK! He is also grinding all four teeth. And biting.

Peanut has turned into Elmo officially. She wears her costume every night for bed. And its even better with the matching slippers. I told her I don't know which face to kiss, there are too many to choose from. And her fascination with potty humor has escalated. She now, "Takes a squirt." Which she announces loudly with a giggle. She is just so ladylike.

Jeff was beside himself with joy tonight. The MLB channel went 24/7/365. The rest of the family groaned. But then he got out Guitar Hero and everyone was happy again. The kids love rockin' out. Even Tank.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cheers for Phebes

Phebes is on a roll lately. I haven't done as many posts about her I noticed, and was planning to do something special about her. Well, she has presented me with a wealth of material the last week.
We are now among the Wii. Jeff taught them to bowl, golf and Mario Cart so far. Phebes has the cutest bowling strategy--she kicks her left leg up in back, does a little hop, and swings her arm with a giggle. But the best part is that it works. Really well. She beat me. Here's her score (#1)...

And if you look closely at her scorecard you'll notice she had THREE strikes. Hilarious.

She is quite proud.
We are also quite proud. She was chosen as one of the kindergarteners to be honored at the school board meeting next week for her good character and for doing well in her studies. Phebes of course is slightly embarassed. She doesn't want us to know that she is good at school, what she is learning, or anything. We are to be kept in the dark. So she is slightly peeved with her teacher for letting us in on this secret.
She is also taking on the role of "brains of the operation." The girls played their first prank on Jeff last night...and it was all her idea. She had Ahnka put on her coat, hat, boots, etc. Then had her tell Jeff she was going outside to play. Jeff thinking they were just pretending (it was close to 8 o' clock) said, "Okay, have fun." Just as Phebes knew he would. So then they went to the back door, opened it, and then slammed it and waited inside. With the desired result, Jeff came running and yelling only to find two little girls in fits of giggles. Oh! I wish I had been home and not working! She was only too happy to tell me all about it today at breakfast.
And last, but not least, especially to her. Her hair has grown. Now that humidity is not curling it up it reaches all the way to the middle of her back. She stares at it in the mirror and strokes it. This may not seem like a big thing, but for those of you who knew her in the skirt on her head days (nine months actually), this is HUGE. She has been waiting for this for three years.
So, kudos to my oldest.