Sunday, March 20, 2011

Such a Phoebe, Such a 2nd Grader

What is this??? you ask?This is the handiwork of Miss Phoebe. She loves to decorate our pear tree. With natural items.
She spent an hour doing this. Walking back and forth, eyeballing, moving, getting it just right. So Phoebe.

She is quite the kid. And definitely a 2nd grader sense of humor has kicked in. She finds her jokes quite hilarious. She sings in a high-pitched "lilting" sound that only she appreciates. (Actually we do enjoy her happiness and the joy she spreads. )
She prefers sweatpants and long hair. She wears her stinky, furry boots everywhere. She has tons of kids asking for playdates and begs for alone time. She has discovered chapter books.
She is such a good kid.

Pride and Joy @ 3

If Tanner did not get this chainsaw for his third birthday he would have been devastated! He was pretty excited about the whole birthday thing in the first place. Since November all we have heard is, "I tun free in Febwu-awy! I wanna chainsaw!" Well, we delivered and he was pleased. Posing appropriately with the big win. Not as excited as Mommy had hoped, but then again he just expected, believed, we would pull through. Nothing to get to worked up about.
Although he did put on the goggles and try it out right away. Since then he has enjoyed his other gifts, but that night he was pretty focused.
He really liked his grizzly bear cake and ate the chocolate chip eyes right off. He only ate the frosting and none of his piece of cake in regular Nelson child fashion.
And then by 10 am the next morning we were outside using the chainsaw. Tanner marched right down to one of our biggest trees and went to work. He was slightly disappointed that it didn't actually cut. But he says that he can wait until he is a grown up for a real one if he has to.
One more morsel about this little charmer. He is a reader. Voracious. He has several of his favorites memorized. So it is not completely odd that Tanner likes to use his time wisely in the bathroom. And nor is it strange that he has figured out how to manipulate the situation so that he can force Mommy to read to him in the bathroom, even if he doesn't have to go and just wants a book.
I love you little guy!